Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Baby Buttface Takes on the World...literally!

(click on any picture to see it full size)
Well, they made it!  Karla and Adhamh finally touched down in London town across some "big pond."  Between the long drive to Chi town, the next to no amount of sleep they got on the wedding night (and it wasn't even for the right reason either!), and the 8 hour flight; I don't think they noticed the stowaway in their midst! That was, I guess, until they were already there and opened their bag:

So they were stuck with Baby Buttface for the entirety of their Honeymoon.  Which, by the way, I have a huge complaint to put on the table about this!  There was NO honey anywhere to be seen on this "honeymoon."  Saw the moon, sure but what the crap!?

Thanks to Karla's crazy subconscious drive to be a travel agent, there was no time whatsoever to check into the hotel, rest, or anything but hit the ground running!  One of the first stops was down to the Palace area.  Some lady who wears a shiny metal wreath on her head lives in this MASSIVE house which is guarded by these tall red guys with big bushy black hair.  Hold on!  I think I have a picture of one somewhere.  YES!------>>>>>>>>>>

Amongst all the hoards of people in the streets, it was hard to get a view of any of it.  But as Karla assured Adhamh and me, there'd be time for that later.  We were heading to a "Minster in the West" or some such thing.

Along the way, we stopped for a quick photo op at some tower with a clock on it.  These British people sure are odd.  I mean, yeah it's Big, but who needs to name a clock tower?  Let alone call it Ben!  I would have called it some snooty English tag like William or Heratio or something.

Karla, I don't think realizes how this picture of us could go in another direction altogether!

And of course, I saw this as the perfect opportunity to do my impression of a Japanese Movie Monster on a rampage!  RAWR!!

We also saw the Westminster Abbey.  Here's me out in front. Since they don't let you take pictures inside.  I told them that I was BABY BUTTFACE!!  I was like, "haven't you seen my blog? I'm trying to document my travels here people?!"  Leave it to the Brits to be snobs anyways.  Can you believe they've never heard of me?!  After the carnage I left for them at Benjamin, they won't think to stop me next time.

Moving along, we saw and did a LOT of crap in London and the UK in general.  Some things of note:

St. Paul's Catherdral.  Not supposed to take pictures in here either!  YOU CAN'T STOP THE BABY!!

A Beafeater at the Tower of London.  Which is a total ripoff!  This guy wasn't eating ANY beef.  All he did was walk around and look gay in his frilly outfit!  Karla posed for this shot and the guy (who wanted no nonsense around the place) didn't even notice as she slid me in the shot too.  Not that I'd want to be seen anywhere near this guy!  At least his Gin is tasty.

Although, at first I wasn't going to say they were ALL bad.  On our boat ride down the river Thames to Greenwich Village, I met a fast friend!  But alas, as fast as we became friends, we became even faster enemies.

And of course, as usual, I underestimated the pretentiousness of foreigners as he got insulted!  All I did was comment on how prissy he looked.  I mean what self-respecting bear wears flowers?! C'MON!   Baby Buttface didn't deserve that sucker punch!

Down by the Millineum Bridge, we ran across this awesome little area:

And at the Tower of London, Karla helped me set up this shot where it looks like I've got my head on the pillow where all the beheadings took place.  Ah such famous people as Queen Anne Boleyn and Queen Catherine Howard shared the pillow with my head!  Baby Buttface loves the ladies...even old dead ones!

Oh look, here Karla stands watch!  Where she commands all to stand who are suspect of being foul knaves!  Thanks for gettin' Baby's back, baby!

and this one...tee hee...enough said!  Which way do you think I went?

We also took some side trips out of London town to Stonehenge and Tintern Abbey in Wales.
Karla got to drive her first car on the opposite side of the road on these trips:

All while Adhamh stuffed his face with Scotch Eggs...
...which are tasty but disappointing in two ways:
1. These little balls of joy were not quite as big as BABY BUTTFACE'S BALLS!!
2. There is NO FRIGGIN' SCOTCH in them!!!  Is there NO alcohol for Baby Buttface to consume overseas?!?  ANYONE?!

At our tour of Buckingham Palace, we dropped in on the scene at the palace cafe.  Here I am enjoying my Royal Tart.  The chocolate thing on the table!  Sheesh, what were you thinking?  Now, can someone get this old lady with the shiny wreath on her head away from me?  She's starting to creep me out!

And a visit to the British Museum where the Acropolis of Greece is being held prisoner.  But there's nothing imprisoning about this guys pose.  (help, Baby Buttface can't look away!)

Yep, there is it.

And at last, after a long-yet-fulfilling week running about, Baby Buttface kicks the two Black's out of the hotel for some ME-time.  Relaxing on the bed, and enjoying the patio.



Overall, London isn't a bad place to hang out for a week.  Lot's of history and lots of things to do and see.  Feel like Baby Buttface's tiny little brain is filled to the brim with experience.  I'm exhausted.  I had better get my rest though.  Tomorrow is a new day, and that means a new location.  For all the frilly, snobbish, brits in this country...let's hope that France is much better!  There's no way it can be that bad, right? 

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